The Precinct's Store

So you want to have cools stuff and support the server at the same time ?

Well that's easy, all you have to do is check the list below and see what we offer.

You can click on the subject that you want and it will take you to a page with more info.

Please note: all sales are final. No money back except for *Custom Structure Locations-existing structure. For the Custom Structure location you have  *two days to cancel and have your mony back. Other than that all of the other customization have a*Three days waiting period in which you can have your order changed/edited. After the three days waiting period, you can not change, edit, or cancel your order.

So what about becoming a patreon?

Here is a cool addition. If you'd like, you can become a patreon and enjoy the perks that comes with it.

How to become a Patreon?

1. Lets start with becoming a supporter ($10.00/month):

2. lets check Supporter Plus perks out ($15.00/Month):

3. Last but not least, Supporter VIP perks ($25.00/Month):